Website Maintenance

Your website may already be attractive, engaging and optimized for search engines; but you don’t want to have to worry about making changes yourself. Let Web Eye Lanka take care of that for you!

Pay As You Go

For the as you Pay As You Go package, you will be charged LKR. 2500 for your first maintenance call or service, once you have reached the end of your first hour, you will be charged LKR .1000 at the beginning of your second hour, and so on.

Year Maintenance Contract Packages

 Maintenance Packages  Yearly Package Rate
 6 hours per Month
 72 hours per Year
 LKR. 36000.00
 10 hours per Month
 100 hours per Year
 LKR. 50000.00
 15 hours per Month
 180 hours per Year
 LKR. 90000.00
 20 hours per Month
 240 hours per Year
 LKR. 120000.00

To receive the above year-long maintenance package discounts, you must sign a contract stating that you accept the contracted monthly payments for the full calendar year. The customer is responsible for the full amount, regardless of all the time was used. The maintenance hours can be used as needed in any month during the calendar year.

Summary Of Website Maintenance Service:

Our professional team is ready to complete your website maintenance needs, below is a partial list of some website update areas we service.

  • Modification and Addition of Website Content
  • Image Manipulation and Addition (client supplied images)
  • Newsletter & email list maintenance
  • Update announcements, articles, etc.
  • Replace images i.e. pictures & graphics
  • Adding/removing pages
  • Website Design Changes
  • Shopping cart product updates or additions
  • E-commerce website management
  • Shopping cart Specials or Sales

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